Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Pirate Invasion Long Beach California

Avast me hearties!
The 11th annual Pirate Invasion of Long Beach & Mermaid Festival is almost here. If you live in Southern California and want to talk or bark like a pirate, this is the place to go!

It runs from June 30 2018 to July 1 2018 from 10 am to 10 pm. 

You can visit their official website by clicking here

There is still time to buy your wares to wear to the festival. Visit me Cafe Press shop to get something fetching. 

And keep yer paws off my booty.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Egads. International Talk Like A Pirate Day falls on a Tuesday this year. September 19, 2017.

Cast off yer frippery and purchase a fecket for yerself and all the members of yer crew. 

(Fecket is pirate-speak for a shirt made from jersey. Landlubbers would call this item a T-shirt.)

Gift yer wench with a fetching garment reading "Booty Call" and you can count on getting a jolly rogering!

Click here to pillage ye ol' Cafe Press store.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ahoy Mateys

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19, 2017.
My dogs bark like pirates at all landlubbers every day of the year. Arrrf. To get yer tongue around some piratical slang you may want to check out a few handy resources.

The speech of Long John Silver and his co-conspirators is a great introduction to talking like a pirate. ReadingTreasure Island is rewarding as well as entertaining. You can also listen to the audiobook version which is available at my favorite website, Audible.com. I enjoyed the version narrated by Alfred Molina. To hear a sample, click here.

You can order a new or used copy of How To Speak Pirate: A Treasure Chest of Seafaring Slang by Geordie Telfer by clicking here.  

If you are interested in getting an ebook, Amazon offers a Kindle version of The Pirate Primer: Mastering the Language of Swashbucklers and Rogues by George Choundas by clicking here.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Talk Like A Pirate Day 2015

Avast! There is still time to get yer scurvy dog some piratical gear. International Talk Like A Pirate Weekend starts Saturday, September 19, 2015.

There be gifts for all the members of yer crew. 

My newest line of products have the caption "Hands off me Booty." New products include dog tags and bumper stickers

Click here to visit my store at Cafe Press.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Avast me hearties! Me store at Cafe Press has been updated.

Inspired by my beagle, Sebastian, the arrrtwork depicts him as a scurvy privateer.

Many products are available with the caption "Arrrrf." And a new line of products have the caption "Booty Call." New products include pajamas and infant wear.

The T-shirts and other garments are of the first water. Ye can purchase single greeting cards or cards in multi-packs fer the whole crew. There also be dog bowls, water bottles, gift items and novelties. More treasure than ye looted from Tortuga, to be sure. Go easy on the grog.

Ye seek the "Cur" -sed treasure? Set yer sails fer me shoppe!


And keep yer paws off me booty.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Book to teach you how to Talk Like a Pirate

Talking like a pirate is much more than adding "Arrr" to your vocabulary. This book is great. When you go to Amazon, you can look inside and get some handy basics. You will also see how well the author covers his topic. He uses language from novels as well as historical documents. The pronunciation suggestions are helpful. The book is also a bargain. With a beautiful hardcover and pages look like parchment, it looks like it was looted from Long John Silver's sea chest. It is also an entertaining read.

More Products to come

Cafe Press does not offer an XXS size in Dog shirts, so I am looking for another source. The way Cafe Press works, I have no inventory. Once a purchase is made, they create the product using my artwork and ship it to the buyer. They collect the money and pay me a (small) commission.

I am looking at similar companies to see if I can find one that will offer a dog shirt in smaller sizes. I would also like the option of having a black shirt with a white logo.

I created a similar design featuring a chihuahua instead of a beagle. For the initial launch, I wanted to focus on a single design. Other designs will be available as the brand grows.

I call the beagle design "Jolly Rover" and I was thinking of calling the chihuahua "Captain Ayap." YHH (that is Yo Ho Ho.)

Here is what the new design may look like: